Dong “Dong da aka redo jonamlen Dong da akaredo bushar len, Dong da dang lisai, Dong da Hihiri re janamlen Dong da Pipiri re bushor len Dong da dang lisai lasia”. Lag~re Baha 'Baha banga hale molo-chando Bir buru sajau ena, dare nari bahai-ena, Sarjom baha, matkom gele sa-da muhur-muhur. De-seng atag me-ya, de-seng darm me-ya Nowa abhron, nowa sagen sajau Phagun bonga molo chando Baha bonga amge poroi poroi'. “sohrai” 'Numin din da amda sohorai Akaredom tahe kan Akaredam oko danag len Kulhi muchat boud tala Ato muchat bailhour tala, Bir buru dare tala Sakam talareng oko danag len'. “Lagre” Nadiaka dhare dhare Kahar bansi baje, Hai hai o^ntare kandiche. Akhite dekhini, kaneto^ sunini, Hai hai, amar o^ntare kandiche. Bir “ulasi” Nida+n^ kukmu kana., Hasan^ lala lana Jiur kure mutun^ ClhuTAo akan Dakan^ jajom kana kathan^ ajom kek'a Adivasi ot-ho oDoo~ oDok akan Ol-in^ seRe seya RoR in^ telae seya Hasa lala kamin^ Erao seya Danc Dong La~gRe pata Rinjha Donge Baha Sohrai Dasain Danta Dahar Jhika Singrai
The early accounts by Man (1867), Dalton (1872), and Risley (1819) are the great literary contributions made by Santals. The most useful record in Santali narrative was made by an elderly Santal named Kolean guru in 1870 (published first in 1887). This has since been translated by Bodding (1944) into English and by Hansda (1933) into Bengali. Most voluminous of the writer on Santal was Rev. P.O. Bodding. He produced five large volumes of well documented Santali-English dictionary (1932-36), five volumes on folklore (1925-29, 1940c), monographs on Santal medicine (1927), Ojhas (1925), witch craft (1940) and language (1922)
Rev. Campbell published papers on traditions (1916a, b) inheritance (1915a), life cycle rituals (1916c, d) and a handy two volume Santali-English dictionary (1933).
Bompass contributed two volumes on folklore (1909)
Archer published articles on folklore (1943 a, b, c, d, 1945b, 1946), Santal marriage (1944c, 1945) and of witch craft (1947b).
A large number of useful records on the Santal are scattered in Gazetteers, settlement reports and other Government publications (notable are McAlpin 1909, McPherson 1909, Southerland 1819, Hamilton 1939, Mcphail 1893, O'Malley 1910, 1938)
In recent period large number of papers, Magazines and Journals have appeared.
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